What if I think you have made a mistake with my council tax reduction?
If you think your council tax reduction has been calculated wrongly you can ask us to look at our decision again
You can ask us for more information or a detailed explanation of how we made the decision by phone or in writing. We will take the opportunity to look again at the decision and correct it if it is wrong. You must ask us to look at our decision within one month of the date of the decision letter.
If you asked us for a statement of reasons which is a more detailed explanation, you have one month from the date of the decision letter plus the time we took to send you the statement of reasons.
If there are special circumstances which mean you cannot contact us within one month we may still be able to change the decision. Tell us what the special circumstances are when you contact us.
How to appeal against your decision
- tell us what aspect of the decision you disagree with
- tell us why you think the decision is wrong
- include any documents or evidence that support your appeal
What happens next?
We will check that the decision, changing it if necessary and advising you of our decision
If the decision cannot be changed
You may be able to make a further appeal. If so, we will let you know when we write to you.
If we don’t change our decision then we will send the details to the Valuation Tribunal Service.
Luton Council, Town Hall, George Street , Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 546050
Fax: 01582 546977